908-238-0544 info@elp-inc.com

At E&LP, we love recognizing our amazing E&LPeers who make us who we are. For our first employee spotlight, we have chosen to nominate Krista Veliky. We spoke with Krista’s manager, Ashley DeGrandis, to get the lowdown on what makes Krista such a valuable asset to the team:

“Krista is a valuable member of the E&LP Enviro team; she works hard and her passion for the work shows. Though Krista is relatively young in her career, she has learned a great deal in a short amount of time and taken on a lot of responsibility for someone in her position. Most recently, she has taken our newest Enviro recruit under her wing to assist the PM team in entry-level training, and she has also recently completed two GIS courses with Rutgers in an effort to assist the Department by adding a skillset that is much needed.

Krista continually goes above and beyond; she braves the elements in sickness and in health and understands how important accurate and correct field work is to the overall project. I am excited to see how Krista’s skills and knowledge continue to progress and am confident she has a bright career ahead of her.”