908-238-0544 info@elp-inc.com

Rockaway Terminal

Rockaway Terminal

The former fuel oil terminal in Rockaway New Jersey has been a visual and economic blight for decades.  In addition to being in a state of urban decay after being abandoned, as much as thirteen (13) feet of free phase oil resides on the water table only 500 feet from the Rockaway River. 

E&LP coordinated a Public Private partnership with the Borough of Rockaway and a developer to design the strategy to remediate the environmental impacts and obtain the redevelopment approvals from the municipality and NJDEP.  E&LP is facilitating a grant from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to pay for 100% of the site assessment and up to 75% of remediation costs, which will exceed $3,000,000.  In order to receive the grant, the site development and remedial actions must incorporate renewable energy.

We have developed a sustainability first engineering strategy for the site to utilize solar energy to not only operate the future warehouse facility but to power the site remedial actions.  Short term ground water and product recovery is required to reduce the presence of free phase petroleum on the ground water surface.  Low impact energy approaches consisting of passive injection of electron acceptors coupled with In Situ bio-reactors will minizie the energy demand to remediate the site.  Creative surface water management and subsequent infiltration is a zero net energy approach to liberate then collect trapped product above the water table. 

E&LP designed the ground water extraction and treatment system to establish hydraulic control over the free product residuals to prevent further migration towards the river, while removing free phase mass using a total fluids collection and treatment approach. 

Over a four (4) year period, the contiguous body of oil that was over 3 acres in size was significantly reduced in size and inhibited from further migration towards the river, as illustrated. 

At a Glance

Client: Rockaway Borough

Location: Rockaway Borough, NJ


LSRP Services

Site Investigation

UST Closure

Environmental Engineering

In Situ Groundwater Treatment

Regulatory Compliance